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Coordinate the relationship between defoamers and leveling agents in the use of water-based wood coatings


During the use of water-based wood paint, both defoamers and leveling agents need to be added in order to achieve both defoaming and improved surface feel.



  Leveling agent:Improve leveling performance, enhance surface smoothness, improve scratch resistance, prevent sticking, and minimize surface defects to the greatest extent possible; 

Defoamer:Efficient defoamer and defoamer for water-based wood coatings. Defoamers can quickly remove bubbles from the system and demonstrate good defoaming performance over a long period of time. Defoamers are used to remove microbubbles from high viscosity systems; 

However, sometimes the relationship between defoamers and leveling agents in water-based wood coatings is contradictory. How to make the two compatible?


By adjusting the dosage:

The reasonable combination of the two in terms of type and dosage is necessary to ensure that water-based wood paint coating has good fluidity and leveling without generating bubbles. 

Excessive use of defoamers can affect the paint film, resulting in shrinkage porosity. To eliminate the phenomenon of shrinkage, it is necessary to use leveling agents. But the addition of leveling agents will also reduce the defoaming effect, especially the long-term effectiveness of defoamers.


Choose a good defoamer:

A good defoamer not only has good anti foaming and anti foaming effects when the product leaves the factory, but also has long-term effectiveness. Even if stored for a year or so, it can ensure that water-based wood paint still has good anti foaming effects. At the same time, defoamers can also ensure a greater tolerance for the system, and will not weaken their defoaming effect due to slightly more or less dosage.

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