
Explorer of innovative chemical new materials for industrial application

Evonik launches new synthetic silica SPHERILEX, which can achieve excellent durability and wear resistance to light ®


In paint and coating applications, precipitated silica is a widely recognized and efficient matting agent, but its functional characteristics depend on many factors such as particle size, particle size distribution, particle morphology, etc. If the above factors can be reasonably controlled, the performance and utility of precipitated silica will be greatly improved. 

Win Creation推出可实现卓越耐用性和耐磨光性的新型合成二氧化硅SPHERILEX®

Evonik The paint additive business team recently launched SPHERILEX®  Wet chemical production process of silica. This process can endow silica with a unique spherical particle shape, enabling it to exert new advantages in coating applications. In this wet environment  In the reaction process, manufacturers can control multiple characteristics of the final product, including pH value, surface area, pore volume (within particles), pore size distribution, and other structural or morphological features.


With the help of this technology, Evonik has launched three new silica products for paint and coating applications: SPHERILEX® DP-0111、SPHERILEX®  DP-0112 and SPHERILEX® DP-0115。


For modern architectural coatings, abrasion resistance and moisture abrasion resistance are key technical challenges and important factors determining their performance. Given the existing filler or formula options in the market, the space for formula designers to overcome challenges and achieve product differentiation is limited.


The particle morphology of the filler and the corresponding surface contour of the coating are closely related to these performance characteristics. Thanks to the new technological research achievements, the innovative synthetic silica has the following advantages:


Unique spherical particle morphology;

Narrow particle size distribution;

Extremely small surface area and low porosity


In addition, under the influence of regulatory requirements and other challenges, the raw materials available for coating formulation are gradually being restricted. For example, solvents can help soften polymers, promote their free flow, and coat and wet pigment particles in coatings, thereby enhancing the adhesion of polymer resins. However, due to the consideration of reducing VOC emissions, the market supply of these solvents is gradually decreasing, so formulation designers must seek other methods to minimize the demand for solid raw materials in their formulations for polymer resins.


New SPHERILEX® from Evonik  Technology can not only meet the challenges of coating formulation mentioned above, but a series of high-performance and uniquely functional silica and silicate products also help formulation designers realize the new value of synthetic silica technology.

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