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The reason for the small intermolecular forces of defoamers


Defoamers are widely used in production and daily life. Similarly, for eliminating harmful bubbles in industrial production, defoamers are also indispensable. The interaction force between defoamer molecules is small, and the surface tension is lower than that of foaming liquid. Only then can defoamer particles penetrate and expand on the foam film. It is worth noting that the surface tension of the foaming solution is not the surface tension of the solution, but the surface tension of the foaming solution.


Defoamers have a certain degree of affinity with foaming liquids. Since the defoaming process is actually a competition between the foam collapse speed and the foam generation speed, the defoamer must be able to quickly disperse in the foaming liquid so that it can quickly play a role in a wider range of foaming liquid. To make the defoamer diffuse quickly, the active ingredient of the defoamer must have a certain degree of affinity with the foaming solution. The active ingredients of defoamers are too close to foaming liquids and will dissolve; Too sparse and difficult to disperse.

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