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Super dispersant improves the softness of toilet paper


With the improvement of living standards, the consumption of toilet paper in China is also increasing, and consumers have higher requirements for paper quality. Softness has become an important factor for consumers when choosing, and currently improving the softness of toilet paper can be achieved through the use of super dispersants.


          the papermaking process, due to the low concentration of pulp and the tendency for uneven paper thickness during paper forming, it has a significant impact on the softness and appearance of the paper. At this point, we usually add a certain amount of specialized super dispersant to the pulp during manufacturing. After adding dispersants, the tendency of fibers to entangle with each other can be hindered, thereby dispersing the fibers and producing soft paper. Dispersants can promote good super dispersibility of papermaking fibers and excellent paper forming results at low addition levels, which greatly helps to improve the softness of paper.

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