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The influence of dispersants on resins


There are many connections between dispersants and dispersants in resins. Of course, today we are talking about the impact of dispersants on resins, from two aspects: their compatibility and the relationship between resins and dispersants. The main purpose is to ensure the correct application and research and development of dispersants and resins.


Resin and dispersant should have good compatibility. Especially for polymer dispersants, if the compatibility is poor, the stretching chain segments of the polymer dispersant cannot stretch well in the dispersion medium, curl around the pigment particles, reduce the thickness of the adsorption layer, decrease the steric hindrance effect, and have poor stability. Severe cases can affect gloss, coloring power, brightness, development, and adhesion. So it is necessary to test compatibility before use to avoid any problems.

The properties of resin also have a significant impact on the application of dispersants. For example, medium and long oil content alkyd resins contain a large number of active groups and have strong wetting and adsorption abilities. Proper use can result in the absence or minimal addition of wetting and dispersing agents. But for some resins, such as thermoplastic acrylic resins and ethylene resins, which do not contain or have very few active groups, their wetting and adsorption abilities are poor, and wetting dispersants must be added when dispersing pigments. So when using dispersants, they should be differentiated according to the properties of the resin.

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