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Attention to details when using defoamers


When using defoamers, the correct usage method can improve their defoaming effect. Below, the editor from Shangjian Chemical will introduce some precautions for using defoamers:


1、 Stir thoroughly:Before use, lotion should be diluted reasonably, and then fully stirred to uniform.

2、 Short term use:In order to ensure the concentration and defoaming effect of the defoamer, it is necessary to use up the defoamer in a short period of time.

3、 Prevent frost and high temperature:Defoamers can affect their performance under frost and high temperature conditions.

4、 Do not shake:Strong vibrations can disrupt the stability of defoamers.

5、 Appropriate viscosity:Maintaining an appropriate viscosity is necessary to fully utilize the performance of defoamers.

The above are the precautions for using defoamers, hoping to be helpful to everyone.

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