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Acrylic acid

Acrylic acid is an important organic compound with a wide range of applications and unique properties. The following is a detailed answer about acrylic acid:

essential information

  • chemical formula:C₃H₄O₂

  • state: Colorless liquid

  • smell: Has a stimulating odor

  • Discovery timeIn 1843, it was first discovered that acrolein was oxidized to produce acrylic acid

physical property

  • density:1.051

  • melting point:12℃

  • boiling point:139℃

  • Solubility: Miscible with water, miscible with ethanol and ether

chemical property

  • Active chemical propertiesEasy to aggregate in air

  • ReducibilityHydrogenation can reduce to propionic acid

  • Additive natureAddition with hydrogen chloride to generate 2-chloropropionic acid


  • thrillHas a strong irritant effect on the skin, eyes, and respiratory tract

  • corrosiveHas a corrosive effect on metals and many organic compounds

  • FlammabilityAcrylic acid is a flammable liquid

application area

  • chemical industryUsed for preparing acrylic resin, acrylic ester, polyacrylic acid, etc

  • Construction fieldProduction of acrylic waterproof materials, coatings, adhesives, and sealing materials, etc

  • Furniture manufacturingManufacturing high-performance coatings and adhesives, as well as furniture decoration materials

  • Automobile manufacturingManufacturing of frames and external components for automobiles

  • Medical fieldManufacturing medical supplies, pharmaceutical packaging materials, etc

  • Other fieldsElectronic materials, printing inks, cosmetics, textiles, toys, etc

Environmental friendliness

  • DegradabilityAcrylic acid can be degraded through microbial action

  • RecyclabilityAcrylic acid can be recovered and reused through physical or chemical methods

  • Low toxicityAcrylic acid does not release harmful substances during use

matters needing attention

  • During storage and transportation, corresponding safety regulations should be followed to avoid mixing with oxidants and acidic substances.

  • When using acrylic acid, ensure good ventilation in the operating environment and wear appropriate protective equipment.


Acrylic acid is an important organic compound with a wide range of applications and unique properties. It has important applications in various fields such as chemical industry, construction, furniture manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, and medicine. However, due to the irritant and corrosive properties of acrylic acid, safety and environmental protection issues need to be taken into account when using it.