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Common problems/solutions for composite material release agent products (epoxy resin release agent)


Common problems/solutions for composite material release agent products (epoxy resin release agent)

Product Features:High hardness, difficult demolding, long curing time

Production process:Spraying Sakurai release agent - drying - injection molding - demolding

Mold pre-treatment requirements: For different product requirements, mold pre-treatment should be sprayed with Meiya release agent 2-5 times. For products with high surface requirements, the release agent on the mold must be wiped clean with a clean cotton cloth to reduce fogging and leaving marks.

Common problems/solutions for composite material release agent products (epoxy resin release agent)

Common problem (1):The problem of product sticking during production.
Solution (1):The reason is due to uneven application of the release agent. It is recommended to apply the release agent twice more.

Common problem (2):The curing agent ammonia water is too concentrated and sticks to the mold.
Solution (2):You can extend the curing time of the release agent, or choose our Sakurai milky white release agent.

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