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Advantages of polyurethane self skinning release agent


Polyurethane self skinning, also known as skin model foam foaming, generally belongs to semi rigid foam. The main products include armrests, steering wheels, instrument panels, children's seats, etc. The requirements for self bonding release agents may vary depending on the molding process requirements. For example, there are many varieties such as glossy, matte, oily, water-based, waxy, and pure oily. At present, the most commonly used and mature ones are wax and oil, with wax generally referring to matte and oil generally referring to glossy. Both of these products also belong to volatile film-forming demolding. Due to the high environmental requirements in recent years, many manufacturers have gradually started using water-based release agents. Due to the differences in process requirements between water-based and oil-based release agents, many manufacturers are still not accustomed to their use and operation. Therefore, wax based release agents are still dominant in the market. So, what are the advantages of using wax based release agents?


Advantages of polyurethane wax based self skinning release agent:

1. Mature technology and simple operation.

2. Good demolding performance.

3. Good skinning effect.

4. The surface has a good matte effect and is relatively dry.

5. Does not affect secondary spraying, etc.

So currently, most manufacturers still prefer to use wax based polyurethane self skinning release agents.

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