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The combination of defoamers and various external agents yields excellent results


The defoaming and anti foaming effect of defoamers is generally proportional to the dosage, but there is also a saturation point where adding the dosage after reaching a certain concentration does not prolong the anti foaming time. Excessive use of defoamers is a waste, and the appropriate concentration is the key to meeting your defoaming requirements and the most economical use of defoamers.


Defoamers are non-ionic surfactants. Defoamers have excellent defoaming and foam inhibiting functions, are non-toxic, can effectively eliminate foam generated by high molecular polymers, surfactants, etc., have good defoaming effect on various cement slurries, and can be used together with various admixtures.

Wetting agents can be used as spray improvers, leaf absorption aids, activators, etc. Wetting agents are widely used in herbicides, liquid level nutrients, growth regulators, insecticides, fungicides, etc. They do not decompose the original drug, can greatly reduce the surface tension of the solution, reduce the contact angle between the liquid drop and the leaf surface, and enhance the wetting, adhesion and spreading ability of the drug liquid on the surface of plants or pests, so as to improve the efficacy.

The hydrophilic groups of food thickeners have a strong adsorption force on water molecules, which can cause them to lose their freedom of movement; Hydrophilic colloidal molecules can form spatial structures through interactions, hindering the flow of liquid layers. The viscosity and colloidal stability are important parameters for selecting food thickeners.

In summary, adding some other additives appropriately during the use of defoamers does not affect their functional effects, so they can be added as needed during use.

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